This is an abridged list of our rules; please contact us for a complete list.
Great River Natural Burial is private property and not open to the
public; access is authorized for plot owners or individuals visiting
loved ones interred or memorialized here.
The natural burial ground is open for authorized visitors as follows;
vehicle access from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm every day except federal holidays
and pedestrian access from sunrise to sunset every day
Speed limit is 10 mph. Please park in designated areas only and do
not block roads, entrances, gates or trails.
Service animals and family pets are welcome, on a leash, under control
and cleaned up after.
Only natural, biodegradable and fully compostable materials may be
left at gravesites.
No plantings or seed distribution is permitted without prior approval, memorial tree plantings and native wildflower seeds are available from Great River Natural Burial. No gathering or damaging of plants or natural elements.
Pack out any trash, recyclables, or food scraps.
Do not disturb or feed wildlife. Hunting is
prohibited, as is the possession use, or discharging
of firearms.
Fireworks and smoking/vaping are strictly
prohibited at all times. Candles or a campfire
in the designated cemetery fireplace is permitted
allowed during the winter months with
permission from the cemetery manager.
We welcome visitors to engage in mindful,
life-affirming activities such as walking, hiking,
picnicking, bird watching or just sitting
and relaxing in our cemetery areas.
Only foot traffic and disability mobility devices are allowed in the cemetery areas.